This morning in our sales meeting, one of our guys was lamenting about the lack of success he had the last couple of days setting appointments. The conversation quickly led to placing blame on the quality of the lead in a few instances (what constitutes a "bad" lead; subject of another post), and timing on others (another topic).
One comment just leapt out at me. "After I hung up, I realized I should have said this! Okay. Why didn't you?
I realize people make mistakes all the time. I am a prime example. However, when I realize I made a mistake, I identify it, and try to resolve it. Whenever I hang up with my wife or children, and forget to mention something to them, I call back and tell them.
Have you ever hung up from a loved one and not told them you love them? Do you call them back and tell them? You should!
And you should do the same with a customer! If you realize you had a bullet in your gun to slay the beast, use it. Overcoming the objection is better than not at all. After you hung up, is it safe to presume you did not set the appointment? Thought so. So if you don't have an appointment, there is nothing preventing another sales person from following up with your customer to set an appointment and sell them a car. Nothing that is, except you.
Pick that phone back up, right now, and call them back. "I'm sorry Mr. Jones, after we hung up, I realized there was a critical piece of information I failed to share with you, and I would be doing you a disservice if I did not share it with you."
Do you think you might have his attention now? Now you have done all you can to set that appointment, but what's more, you have taken a load off your mind to allow you to concentrate on setting more appointments and selling more cars. Still not a believer? What about last Saturday night? You saw that good-looking guy or gal at the party or bar? You talked to them for a few minutes, you didn't seem to connect. Then a couple of minutes later, you came up with something new to say. You would go back for another shot, right? Especially if this was THE one person you were looking for. You would not leave anything on the table, right?
At this point in time for auto sales, you can't afford to leave anything on the table. Each up is more precious than ever before, so make the most of every up, every lead, and every call. Get your money's worth out of them, and you will sell more cars!
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